Cedar City Acupuncture & Natural Medicine
P: 435-565-6499
F: 435-359-5050
162 W. Robbers Roost Suite 1
Cedar City, UT 84720
(South of Smith's and behind/East of Jiffy Lube)

Chinese Medical Pulse Diagnosis
Chinese Pulse Diagnosis is considered to be the most accurate way to detect patterns of ill health by reading subtle signs of distress within the body. The art of pulse diagnosis involves interpreting the flow of blood through the radial artery at the wrists. In the hands of an expert practitioner, the pulse can reveal many of these common health concerns:
Digestion problems
Menstrual issues
Fertility issues
Sinus problems
Neck pain
Spine pain
Liver issues
Sleep issues
Blood pressure issues
Joint pain
Genito-urinary problems
Kidney issues
Poor memory
Food cravings
Dr. Dowse has dedicated herself to mastering pulse diagnosis and using it in her treatment protocols.